Swarm Dallas to Save the Bees!

Dear CODEPINK Dallas,

Join the Swarm and take part in a week-long campaign of Global actions to Save the Bees!

>Where: Klyde Warren Park, Dallas

>When: August 11th to August 16th (Main Event on Saturday, August 16th)

Together we will Pester the Pesticide Pushers and Swarm together to BAN Neonicotinoids and other poisonous chemicals. We need to keep the bees alive to pollinate our food! This week long event will be concluded with our  Big Day of Action on Saturday, August 16th, National Honey Bee Day. Start getting your BEE costumes ready now! We'll have a family-friendly rally with BEE flash-mob dance for all ages.

MONDAY, Aug 11, 8:00 p.m. – “DO THE HONEY BEE” FLASH-MOB PRACTICE DAY on the Continental Avenue Pedestrian Bridge! Dance practice, followed by a LIGHT DISPLAY with the North Texas Light Brigade. Check out the dance we have planned and please see our instructional video so you can participate and sing along! Afterwards we’ll spell out SAVE THE BEES in lights before the beautiful Dallas Skyline and make a video & group photo that you can share with your friends. Come be a “Holder of the Light!”

TUESDAY, Aug 12, all day – MAKE YOUR VOICE BEE HEARD DAY. Call your legislators (866-220-0044) and tell them to ban Neonicotinoids! Demand legislation that will protect pollinators and our food supply.

WEDNESDAY, Aug 13, 9:45 a.m. – BUZZ AROUND DALLAS DAY – we’ll ride the train around DFW in our BEE costumes, getting off at different stops to BUZZ around and “Do the Honey Bee,” sharing info about the bees and our Saturday SWARM. Meet us at 9:45 a.m. at the Kiosk in front of the Mockingbird DART Station; buy your all-day ticket and bee ready to board the 10:08 train towards Parker Road Staiton. The train will stop at the Forest Lane Station at 10:19, if anyone wants to jump on there and join us. We'll disembark at the Downtown Plano Station at 10:33 to "do our BEE thing" in and around Haggard Park. Then we'll reboard the DART, and make stops (including one for lunch) at other stations on the way back to Mockingbird Station.

THURSDAY, Aug 14, all day – BEE A BUSY BEE DAY! Wear your BEE costume everywhere you go all day. When people ask why the heck you’re dressed like a BEE, you can tell them about the BEEs and our Saturday event and pass out flyers if you want (we’ll have them at the Monday event, or make your own).

SATURDAY, August 16, 9:00 a.m. – This will BEE the MAIN EVENT: SWARM DALLAS TO SAVE THE BEES! Klyde Warren Park. Dress like a BEE or wear yellow/black/white. We're starting early to beat the heat. There will bee:

>Chalk party and face painting

>BEE fashion show

>Speakers with all the buzz about the bees

>BEE flash-mob/dance for all ages  (INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO)

>Short march: “Parade of Bees” to show that BEES are our friends!

>Souvenirs/mementos for kids to take home to remind them how much we LOVE THE BEES!

Please RSVP NOW! Contact: dannapyke@sbcglobal.net or jharris866@aol.com

See you in the streets!

Danna, Linda, and Leslie

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