August 15, 2005

Dear CODEPINK activist,

"Before this all started, I used to think that one person couldn't make a difference... but now I see that one person who has the backing and support of millions of people can make a huge difference." -- Cindy Sheehan

 Sitting out here in arid Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas, Cindy Sheehan shines like a Pink Rose of Texas. Out of the dust, intense heat and hostile political climate, she has brought new life to the conscience of this nation. Despite her opponents' dirty tactics to malign her character, divide her family, and undermine the purity of her message, Cindy continues to inspire mothers and their loved ones around this nation to rise up against the senseless death of our children.

CODEPINK has been by Cindy's side here in Crawford from the beginning of her vigil. It has been astounding to watch how a grieving mother, camping in a tent as close to the president's ranch as she could get, has turned this dry, flat landscape into a field of dreams. Now we want to honor her with a flood of pink roses as a physical reflection of the beauty that she has created for us all.

For $5, you can send a pink rose to beautify Cindy's arid camp and a message of support to bolster her spirit. Pink roses traditionally symbolize grace and gratitude. Let's show our gratitude for Cindy's grace in the line of fire (not to mention fire ants!). Let's surround our Pink Rose of Texas with an abundance of gorgeous pink roses.

Any further contributions will help build the next phase of Cindy's journey, when she takes her message directly to Washington DC.

So send your pink rose, your message to Cindy, please join us in Washington DC on September 24-26, and pass this message along to your friends, family and online communities so they too can send love and support to Cindy.

With love from Camp Casey and around the nation,

Alicia, Andrea, Dana, Farida, Gael, Grace, Gayle, Jodie, Medea, Rae, Tiffany and Whitney

Don't forget to check out the awesome Pink Rose of Texas song, written by Gayle Brandeis, one of our creative CODEPINK women.
Also, check out our new campaign One Million Reasons ( and sign up and give us YOUR REASON to end the war now! We will deliver your reason to the White House on September 26th. You can also join us in DC and help us deliver the reasons during 3 days of rallying, marches and outrageous CODEPINK actions with tens of thousands of activists from around the country.

To help sustain our work and actions, please consider making a donation to CODEPINK today.