May 2, 2008


As we are showered with flowers and chocolate this Mother's Day, let us not forget the mothers of Iraq.

Instead of lavish brunch buffets, they are faced with malnourished babies and contaminated drinking water; breakfast in bed is not an option when there is no home to return to.

Almost five million Iraqis have been displaced by violence in their country, the majority of them women and children. As Congress prepares to vote on the largest supplemental funding bill yet, $172 billion, to fund the war in Iraq for another year, let's urge them to stop funding war, and fund the growing refugee crisis instead. It is unconscionable of us to not help try to rebuild the lives we have shattered.

Call your Member of Congress today at (202-225-3121) and say "No money for war. Money for refugees!"

CODEPINK co-founder Medea Benjamin is currently meeting with Iraqi women refugees in Jordan and Syria, learning first hand about their plight.

Here, Medea shares Nadia's story:

"Nadia is a young woman with a round, jolly face and a quick smile that belies the tragedy within. Married in 2002, a year later, the couple was eagerly awaiting their first child. When the baby was born, Nadia's husband was out of town on business. He was rushing back to Baghdad to see his baby daughter when a US convoy approached from the opposite direction, spraying bullets. He was killed instantly. Daria never had a chance to meet her father.

The mother and daughter remained in Baghdad, but in February 2007, American soldiers broke into their home and terrorized them. That's when Nadia decided to flee to Jordan. Daria was so traumatized by the raid, she lost her ability to control her bladder and has frequent nightmares.

Nadia now faces life as a single mother in a strange land, with no income and no hope. 'The Americans invaded my country to steal our wealth, and in the process they stole my personal treasure-my loving husband.'

'I'm so sorry, so sorry,' was all I could mutter as we hugged and cried."

To hear another Iraqi mother's story first hand, be sure to view this heartbreaking video and read Medea's trip blogs here.

As we pressure Congress to fund aid for refugees, we can do our part, as well. This Mother's Day, please give a gift to aid Iraqi women refugees in your mother's name. What better way to honor the true anti-war intention of Mother's Day. As Julia Ward Howe wrote in 1870, "Arise then...women of this day!/Arise, all women who have hearts!" Let us rise up together and help the women our administration has so tragically beaten down.

In the great and general interests of peace,
Alicia, Dana, Desiree, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Jodie, Liz, Medea, Nancy, Rae, and Tighe

This June and July, CODEPINK is offering 8 week-long (Sunday-Friday) activist training and action camps at our Pink House on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Passionate about ending the US occupation of Iraq? Curious about how Congress really works? Want to join with peacemakers from around the country to reclaim your government this summer? All you need to make that commitment to a better world is apply to join us in DC this summer! For more information and sample schedule, click here.

Call your rep
and say
"No money for war. Money for refugees!"

Donate in your mother's name to help Iraqi mothers

Check out the
for more
Mother's Day gifts

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