2007 Protesting Military Commissions Act


SUBJECT: CODEPINK Vet for Peace to be tried for protesting Military Commissions Act

9:00 am, Wednesday, January 10th, 2007, Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Courtroom 210, Judge Zinora Mitchell-Rankin.
Defendant: Leah J. Bolger will be tried in Washington D.C. for "Unlawful Conduct--Disrupting Congress." Leah Bolger is a 20-year veteran of the U.S. Navy, and President of Veterans for Peace, Chapter 132, and member of CODEPINK, Corvallis, OR. Arrested with two others for standing and shouting in the gallery of the House of Representatives in opposition to the Military Commissions Act, Ms Bolger faces a maximum sentence of 6 months in jail and a $1000 fine, if convicted in this jury trial. Ms Bolger was arrested in the afternoon of September 27th, 2006 by Capitol Hill police, and was transferred to Washington D.C. "Central Lock-up," where she was held overnight before being released the next afternoon on her own recognizance.

The Military Commissions Act eliminates the writ of habeas corpus for 460 prisoners being held at Guantanamo Bay, and allows them to be held indefinitely withough charge or evidence against them. It also permits the use of torture, and blatantly disregards international law and the U.S. Constitution. Despite being denounced by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Center for Constitutional Rights and numerous Constitutional and legal experts, the 109th Congress passed the Military Commissions Act, and it was signed into law by President Bush.

Leah Bolger