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Occupy Beale Air Force Base

December 18, 2012
Marysville, CA
Report Back from organizer Toby Blome:

We had an awesome turnout this week. Nine activists came from far and wide, including 2 from Salinas!

We continue to model the peaceful world that we want to create at Beale AFB. Shirley was fortunate to be greeted by a large flock of tundra swan upon her arrival to the main gate. Wintering birds and the surrounding beauty uplift us during vigils. There was a light drizzle at the Doolittle gate only, and ultimately a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

We vigiled at all 3 gates over the 2 days (Dec 17 - 18), coloring the roadway with banners and messages of peace, and passing out literature to those who accepted.

We strategized for our Jan. 8 "Beale 9" arraignment in Sacramento. Mark your calendars to join the NO DRONES rally/press conference, at 8 AM, 9 AM hearing following, and more action afterwards.