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Gun Control advocates tell Senator Harry Reid: It's time for leadership;Its time to stand up to the NRA!

December 18, 2012
Washington, DC, DC

CODEPINK, along with representatives from MoveOn, Global Exchange, and other organizations, visited Senator Harry Reid's office today to urge him to support a ban on assault weapons and other measures to curb gun violence. Press coverage included NBC, FOX news, Press TV, German TV, and we live streamed the action. We were granted a meeting with Senator Reid's Policy advisor Kasey Gillette, during which we discussed Senator Reid's failure to support gun control legislation, including Senator Feinstein's assault weapons bill and Senator Lautenberg's bill to ban high-capacity magazines. Staffer Gillette could not make any commitments on behalf of the Senator but we said we could call back tomorrow to get a yes or no answer about these bills. During our visit, President Obama made a public announcement supporting Feinstein's bill, which should make it easier for Senator Harry Reid to get on board.