March 19th - Worldwide Day of Action

March 19-20 marks the two-year anniversary of the U.S. bombing and invasion of Iraq. After all of the death and destruction and with the Bush administration claiming a mandate to continue their war, there's a new urgency and a stronger determination within the global antiwar movement to bring the troops home now.

CODEPINK organized vigils, rallies, marches and nonviolent civil disobedience throughout the country calling an end to the needless suffering, devastation, and loss of life. We will continue to let the Bush administration know loud and clear the world's mandate has been and continues to be one of peace. Read the renewed Iraq Pledge of Resistance.



The World Says End the War! Bring the Troops Home Now! Rebuild our Communities!
"We cannot walk a mile in their shoes but we can walk 40 for them"

CODEPINK Peace Procession
Camp Pendleton Marine base, one of the largest bases in the country, has suffered a tragic number of casualties in the ongoing war and occupation of Iraq. We walked 40 miles over 3 days to shed light on the growing number of troops from the San Diego community that have died in Iraq

CODEPINKhonored the devastating loss of these troops with a peaceful 40 mile, three day procession. We walked March 17th, 18th and 19th from Oceanside, home of Camp Pendleton, to the massive rally at Balboa Park where we united with the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice, another student march coming up from the border, and many other anti-war organizations.  Overall we walked 93, 480 paces for peace!

CODEPINK walks from Oceanside (mile 3)

Let's continue to send our community a strong message and let them know: WE WANT THE TROOPS HOME NOW!